Firstly it must be understood that as a shaman my skill of multi-dimensional travel is profound.
In 2011 I discovered that I was spiritually journeying right into the Milky Way. When I did this I could hear frequency in the form of sound, albeit a kind of tones and white noise. The first time I did this I came back with a name, Eleanor, which was my soul name. The second time I came back with the sound of my I AM Presence, Nater’n’a, and that was the frequency from which I was then writing my third novel, The Childhood Diaries.
In the realms of non body, souls are known by frequency, and so soul names bring purpose to incarnation. However, in the Angelic Reams, frequency, being a quality of Source projected forth like a ray of Light (the word), is a series of tones, some of which are silent, and this essential part of Source never incarnates, but remains eternally as the source of souls, of your soul.
The series of tones are shown to me in the form of letters and apostrophes, being that the letters represent the quality of Source that was sent forth, and the apostrophes represent the movements of said quality, and this is what gives it the resemblance to music. In the angelic realms the sound is very like what we think of as angelic music, the seraphim, a choir of angels singing. My job then is to listen closely so as to hear the sound that is most connected to the soul I am journeying for.
Entering the angelic realms is like losing yourself completely. All that remains of a sense of self is an awareness of sound that goes through you rather than sensed by you. The same goes for images – you do not see – frequency seems to observe the higher mind and a temporary image is n you, not by you.
Since discovering my ability to enter this realm of the angels, I have brought back frequency and movement in the form of an angelic name for many beautiful souls.
Hearing ones frequency in a sound or a word like this really helps one to connect to the innocent divine essence of their angelic self.
Angels have been seen on Earth in many occasions – mostly in a case of extreme danger or shock – a situation where a person’s conscious awareness hikes into their highest frequency and then manifests as a kind of dreamlike vision, and into in some cases as an unexplained manifestation of being that suddenly disappears when it is no longer needed for help. Our guardian angels, it then seems, are available to us in times of crucial soul intervention, but what are our angelic selves like?
My experience of the images I see, and the beautiful music I hear, is that the original projections of Source, that mysterious first projection sent forth as the word, has a kind of flowing scale which when seen by the third eye looks very much like flowing hair, and the ensueing action of incarnation or lessening of the original music really gives us an impression of a cross, or a vitruvian man sort of basic shape – so the shape of a human.
To us angels look like humans with long flowing hair and with harmonious music too. I will also add that, in my perception, I have seen the let us say ‘word of God’ or original projected rays having a flow that goes outwards and spreading, like the four limbs, but very much like a trumpet in the beginning, hence the trumpets blast from heavenly angels.
So from my perception each of us has a specific quality of Source… or God…and that is our angel aspect.
And that aspect I can hear within the angelic realms, along with images that the frequency conjurs up from my inner sight aligning with my soul consciousness, hence awareness of angelic beings and forms.
If you wish that I journey into the angelic realms for the purpose of becoming aware of your angel aspect click here to book.