This healing modality is designed to break through the subconscious blocks that are the screens and brick walls, and confusion that comes up every so often on a cycle of awakening.  Those who live with PTSD will love this – it can really open up those blanks that you thought would never come back. It also opens up past life memories and awareness that can answer those questions of who am I? why am I here?


Are you one of those people who does a lot of healing whilst you sleep? REM sleep is when you do most of your healing work, opening the subconscious and dissolving shadow blocks. However, it helps enormously if you can remember your dreams during REM. BREAKING THROUGH – helping you unravel the mysteries of your astral work when you are sleeping.

BREAKING THROUGH does just that – it assists you in being aware of the work you are doing during sleep-time. Breaking Through is designed to break through the subconscious blocks that are the screens and brick walls, and confusion that comes up every so often on a cycle of awakening. Those who live with PTSD will love this – it can really open up those blanks that you thought would never come back. It also opens up past life memories and awareness that can answer those questions of who am I? why am I here?


This modality is easily affordable and once you have the guidelines, which includes detailed information and a recorded guided exercise that takes only 11 minutes to do, you can do it as often as you like, for as long as you wish to continue, helping yourself to open up more and more.

You will notice that all my healing modalities are simpler and simpler, and this is because my spirit team, through my intuitive intellect, get more and more to the point. Really, the more you understand the complexities of something, the simpler you make it.  Healing does not have to be complicated. 

Upon receiving your order, you be emailed with the information and link to the guided exercise.