(Co Down, Northern Ireland)
My name is Colette Morgan, I am a fully qualified & insured Massage Therapist & teacher in several massage disciplines. I specialise in various techniques of Trauma, Injury & Remedial Massage Holistic & Therapeutic Massage. You could say I have been a Massage therapist for most of my life. In my younger years I had an aunt who had the worst case of arthritis I have ever seen, from head to toe she was always in pain. As a child I was the lotion & potion distributor and this is when I started seeing the benefits & relief on her face as I massaged creams into her body. Little did I know then, but I was being taught for a life skill I now use to help others. A lot of that touch and healing knowledge cannot be taught in books, but as I grew older, I studied & gained qualifications & teaching degrees in massage techniques. The muscles of the body hold memory, stress & also traumatic events, physical pain can all too well come from emotional problems. Through massage we can help alleviate these problems & stresses on the physical body which in turn relaxes & frees the mind for thinking about pain & through this, brings a peace & happiness to the soul. At Kallos (which is Ancient Greek- meaning Harmony of Body, Mind & Soul) we aim to bring a freedom to the whole being in an Holistic approach to healing the Physical, Emotional & Spiritual body as one.