I am guided to offer one to one shamanic training courses,for those who are on the shamanic path or who simply feel a calling to become a shaman. Many natural born shamans can use a little help when it comes to connecting with their gifts. I will work with my spirit team and the guides of the student in order to customise the right training. Typically, the student will learn in three phases, basic shamanic tools such as shamanic healing through extraction for the removal of intrusions and attachments, sucking and spitting techniques, soul retrieval, and journeying the lower, middle and upper worlds for information of the soul being helped, as well as advanced tools such as I use.
I offer CERTIFIED training in shamanism and it benefits you for various reasons:
1- it helps you heal through your shamanic self
2- it broadens your awareness of the multi dimensional nature of life
3 – you can go on to help others through shamanic ways
The training is customised to you via your guides and shamanic helpers. The training is comprised of three main phases which can be taken over three sessions or nine sessions.
3 sessions – each 5 hours long – one phase per session = £140 per session ( in person only )
9 sessions – each 2 hours long – one phase per 3 sessions = £70 per session or £200 per phase (can be done over Skype or in person)
‘In person’ includes full use of the sacred ceremonial grounds here at The Two Roads Centre.
“Thank you Great Spirit for leading me to Eliza and for having her placed so close to me here in Northern Ireland. Eliza you have guided, supported, held space and delivered second to none assistance in my journey of healing and in particular my shamanic training. This training was divinely guided, authentic and person centred delivered by you via my guides, White Bull, High Roc, White Eagle, the elder grandmother that I was and many other beings of light and consciousness. Thank you for introducing me to my higher self Isara, and for enabling her to step into my body during sessions for direct assistance and guidance and teaching me to how to bring her through by myself.
I am blessed to have had this opportunity to train with you and I am forever changed.
I am in deep gratitude to you, Black Elk and the team of guides that works alongside you, for the unequivocal magic that you have brought through your teachings.
Warmest blessings and unconditional love” Melissa O’Neill – Modern Day Shaman.
“I am so thankful having met Eliza White Buffalo. I have learned so much during this course of Shamanic Practitioner. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn and go deeper into their experience of Shamanism. It is clear the knowledge that Eliza has about Shamanism is never-ending. Beside that, she is an amazing teacher, able to transmit knowledge and enthusiasm at the same time. Thank you for all your help Eliza!” Maria, Belfast.
The Shamanic Healing I was blessed to receive today was so profound and answered many intentions. Through my years of study of Shamanism, Eliza was able to bring forth and weave all of the elements of my souls purpose together in a clear, powerful and focused intention. I am now clear on many spiritual levels. Eliza’s energy works as a bridge to connect us and converge onto a higher level of intention and attainment” Michele
“I just finished the first module and cannot wait for the next one. This is wonderful training since Eliza tunes in 100% with the practitioner to be. It is tailor made every second along the way. A fantastic way of growth, healing, learning and self empowerment.” Alexandra Akat.