
Retreat 2 ~ The divine union of We are One

Original price was: £33.00.Current price is: £25.00.



This series of retreats with the masters are designed to be worked through one at a time, beginning with the first retreat.

All the retreats will come with a guided journey in the form of a YouTube video (unlisted) For Retreat 1 click here

Retreat 2 – The divine union of We are One, comes from the masters Mother Mary and Kuthumi, and the beautiful Taj Mahal etheric retreat in India.

I would like to convey to you a message from Rose of Light, whom you may remember from the introduction course to this series – Your Crystalline Heart.

Rose of Light is an ascended master representing the heart of the Divine Feminine Mother Self. In Your Crystalline Heart Rose spoke of the twin flame union, and the merging of all divine souls. In this second retreat, Kuthumi will say more about divine union and the art of lovemaking, but first, this is Rose’s recent message:

I understand the anguish of relationship when two varying frequencies are vibrating in the one field of experience. There is of course, a discord, and the temptation to act from this discord is strong. However, it is only within a state of balance that harmony is sustained, and hence discord is smoothed out and harmonized when at least one party is centred in balanced energy.  Furthermore, when merging does take form in harmonious experience, life follows as such, and so I gently remind you of your beautiful rose frequency, which is the balance of the twin flame within the burning heart. Balance is the responsibility of all master souls. Indeed, responsibility in the disciplined detachment from separated identity.  Only when a master is thus inclined does individuality reap rewards of bliss.

Thank you to Rose of Light.  I think we all know that discord very well.  For me it comes especially when I remote view violence, hate, and such things in the global world.  If we are to transform and transcend these issues in the world at large, we ought to practice the art of divine union in We are One…which is what this retreat is all about.  I wish you every joy with it, as it is indeed blissful.

Firstly, you must remember your cave.  When you were in the retreat of Afra, you found your way to a cave somewhere on the earth.  That place not only represents the part of your soul you have divine purpose in healing, but also it is so intrinsic with your soul that your spirit will go there, to bring peace to it, and to bring the joy of ascension to it.  Perhaps this will be another lifetime, one as a master healer, and then peace and joy will reign there eternally in dimensional oneness of divine union with the light that is you.

In the temple of Kuthimi and Mother Mary, you will learn that this is true, for that place on earth, and for that intrinsically same place in your body.

You will merge in divine union with the flame that is Kuthumi and Mother Mary, after which you will go to your cave, and there learn the art of healing here and there, by awakening the Venus codes within.

  • This second retreat also runs for 12 weeks- you can either do the work once, or every week for 12 weeks, or like I did – once every four weeks.

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