
Initiating God Self – align your throat chakra to your higher self

Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £9.00.


Offer open until 31st July inc

This is the third gland activation I have been shown to provide via transmission and sound recording. This transmission is of the frequency of a new self actualized throat – actualized to higher self that is – thereby building the etheric throat necessary for mastery living – overcoming the pattern of emotional reaction, and control of the lower chakras.

This transmission is received by you in your own home, following a guided meditation I will provide for you. There is a beautiful guided journey for this transmission. You will be releasing your 3 years old self, 6 years old self, 9 years old self, 27 years old self, and even a future 81 years old self, from your throat chakra, and what comes back to you is god self energy, shifting the etheric thyroid and throat chakra into self -actualization


FULL RESET PROGRAMME  – this re-calibration is one of 5 glandular re-calibrations that are available in the full reset programme. The program contains all 5 plus MORE – much better affordability too.   See here


I did this less than 48 hours ago as part of the new earth reset ritual and OMG!!!!! Words can’t even explain the transformation to my inner child..A

 I did the activation last night and it got so intense I had to take a break half-way through. Although the sweat was beating out of me and heart flying as well I suddenly felt a presence of more than 1 being around me telling me I was OK and safe and everything was fine to just relax and then what seemed like a man’s voice over my head talking away and laughing with me…absolutely surreal!!! After maybe 10mins I was back to myself and was able to finish it comfortably .. Shauna