Manifest Now



In this guided exercise I will take you through 3 specific stages of creation, so that you can begin consciously manifesting your prayers according to the higher self’s awareness of the greater good.

The process of creation has been a total mystery for thousands of years, but 2000 years ago people such as those in the Essene community knew the mysteries of creation and were able to harness those skills in such a way within the body itself. This led to the ability of living for hundreds of years according to the soul’s desire, and to the manifestation of the greatest good known by that of their higher selves.  Higher Self and Ego were in collaboration, merging to produce life according to the greater good. Of course the shadow world was just as powerful then as it is now when Higher Self is taking the reins once more.

In 2013 Spirit began to teach me the process of creation, and ever since I have been learning and practicing and trusting in the I Am Presence within.  This has been a long road, and I have so much more learning to do. Knowledge is best acquired through the understanding that knowledge itself is infinite, always going ahead of one so that it is something that is always sought and never mastered.  Yet, the spiritual masters that teach me are well versed in the mysteries of creation, and I am well enough versed so as to share what I have learned with you. Indeed, you may have already learned a great deal on the subject, and so my wording and explanations and process may be a different from what you are used to, but bear with me and see how far my processing can help you manifest your desires according to your highest soul frequencies.

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