When I ask Black Elk what the symbolism for today is he replies SWAN. Then he says WHITE FEATHERS… Then he says – “GOOSE… Remember my vision of white geese in the north? “ Now I understand him – he … Continue reading
Eliza White Buffalo
Today Black Elk talks about my favourite plant – HEATHER “Ah! you will always smile given a bed of heather to lie upon – her intoxicating aroma is hallucinogenic. Dear Hearts, Heather is one of the temptresses of the plant … Continue reading
Today Black Elk talks about MERCURY “My Dear Hearts on Earth, let me talk some on the metal mercury and the planet of which it is named: we see this element is a particularly powerful one, and I would say … Continue reading
Today Black Elk talks about ANT Medicine. But first here is an extract from our book three – The Childhood Diaries, where Black Elk uses the activities of a tiny ant to teach Rose a big lesson. ‘Joseph noticed the … Continue reading
“I tell you this is the nature of the soul, always questing, always reaching, always growing and expanding; for this is the nature of consciousness itself, always seeking expression of its wholeness. And I tell you that wholeness, that … Continue reading